Too Much Time On My Hands

When you have too much time on your hands, there are a lot of things you want to do.  Mine ranged from organising stuff to mending clothes to thinking of business opportunities.  I even thought of writing some fiction just for the heck of it. 🙂

Seriously, when you don’t go to work on a daily basis, you feel you have this blank board in front of you, waiting to be filled up with anything.  I was sort of changed into being a project-based  employee- in short, a freelancer.  Of course, I worry about when the next project comes in and in doing so, I find ways to have some income.  So, I did some spring cleaning and started with my book cabinet.

You have no idea how much of a bookworm I am.  Removing them from the cabinet, I had books I read when I was still in grade school! I know we sold some when we had garage sales in the past so what I had was the decreased amount.  Anyway, being a stickler for organisation, I documented each and every printed book I had in that cabinet.  This was how much I had to type in:

Books to keep

Books to keep

Books to keep (other angle)

Books to keep (other angle)

More books to keep (pile) and books to read (shelved)

More books to keep (pile) and books to read (shelved)

Back to the cabinet!

Back to the cabinet!

Books to sell

Books to sell

I had a list of books to keep, which goes back to the cabinet, and those to sell.  Most of the books for sale I had the e-book versions of, so it wasn’t much of a loss, just the physical feel of it (sigh).  Some of the old books have really yellowed pages- is there a way to avoid this?  I’d hate to have my kept books crumble when I decide to leaf through them, hehehe.

After encoding all the printed books, I did the same with my e-books.  Wow, that was a longer list and had to cross-reference with existing printed books.  You know what? It seemed like too much work but I had a lot of fun there! 😀

After finalising my book lists, I took photos of all the books I was selling.  I posted them on my online store and in a few minutes, I had buyers.  Wow! Guess what got bought first? The Twilight books! 😀

First to go!

First to go!

It was my first time to sell online so insisted on meeting up with my buyers in specific places.  It was nice to meet people who read the same stuff as you.  Most of my buyers were younger than me and glad that they appreciate reading a book.  I had one buyer who bought almost all my urban fantasy novels.  I told her that not many people are into this genre, that we were a select group, hehehe.  I’m going to meet up again with her this Saturday to deliver her second batch of 25 books. 😀

So, still using the extra time, I did the same with my music CDs and cassette tapes.  I know you’d say: What? Cassette tapes? Yup, still have some of them, just don’t know where to play them as we do not have any cassette player anymore.

Movies? I already have an existing list of my movie discs, just have to fix it up a bit. 😀

Hmm, what can I organise next? Or, I can start with mending the clothes…


*If interested with the books I’m selling, please check my account at  My username is LaniB.  Thanks!

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